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Obey God’s Word

After we have read and believed God's Word, we should then obey God's Word. Obedience to God's Word is proof that we believe what we read.I want to continue talking about putting God first. You can find links to the other parts of this series at the end of this post.

In previous posts, I encouraged us to read and meditate on God’s Word daily. Then, I stated that we must sincerely believe what we have read. Now we come to where the rubber meets the road: we must live according to God’s Word. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus said, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Our obedience to the Word of God is proof that we believe it. When we obey God’s Word, we are putting God first because we are placing more importance on doing what God wants and less importance on doing what we want. (more…)

Believe God’s Word

After we have read and meditated on God's Word, the next thing we must do is believe God's Word.I want to continue talking about putting God first. You can find links to the other parts of this series at the end of this post. In my earlier post, I said one way we can show God He is first in our lives is by making the time to read and meditate on the Bible daily.

After we have read and meditated on God’s Word, the next thing we must do is believe it. Prioritizing God above everything else includes what we believe. We must believe what God says over what our friends, society, and the Internet tell us.