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Why Christians Shouldn’t Worry – Part 2

Christians shouldn't worry because worrying won't make the situation better.This is Part 2 of my 7-part series on why Christians shouldn’t worry. You can find links to the other parts of the series at the end of this post.

The second reason Christians shouldn’t worry is because worrying won’t make the situation better. In Matthew 6:27 (NIV), Jesus said, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Worrying is nothing but a big waste of time and mental energy! Think about it. When was the last time worrying improved your circumstances? Has worrying ever made your problem go away or helped you feel better or gave you some relief? Probably not. (more…)

Why Christians Shouldn’t Worry – Part 1

Christians shouldn't worry because God tells us not to.

Worrying is something many people do. I know I’ve done it and perhaps you have, too. Worry means to “give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.” In many cases, what we worry about either has not happened or is something we have no control over anyway!

This is Part 1 of my 7-part series on why Christians shouldn’t worry. You can find links to the other parts of the series at the end of this post. (more…)